No to agrochemicals and genetic engineering

We are committed to farming organic cotton and keeping the environment intact


No agricultural product other than cotton involves the use of as many toxic pesticides and chemical and synthetic fertilizers. These substances are harmful to the health of people and animals, and cause nature to go out of balance. The bioRe® Foundation promotes organic cotton farming in India and Tanzania without making compromises!

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No to exploitation and dependence

We promote organic farming for a just society


Intensive agrochemical farming destroys soil and natural resources, putting at risk social coexistence in farming communities. In many countries, child labour is a sad reality in the farming and harvesting of cotton. The bioRe® Foundation defends fundamental human rights and fights poverty in farming communities by supporting organic farming.

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Joint ecological responsibility

Your donations for an intact environment and a just society


Donate for the benefit of specific improvements on living conditions of farming families in India and Tanzania. Join us in supporting sustainable development.