Donation via RaiseNow form

Donate for ecological methods of farming

A donation of CHF 50.- covers, for example, agricultural training of three female farmers for a full year.

Donate for education

A donation of CHF 100.- covers the annual cost of a pupil attending animation school in India.

Donate for health

A donation of CHF 300.- covers, for example, construction of a toilet for a family within safe distance for women and girls.

Donate for climate-relevant projects

A donation of CHF 500.- provide an investment in measures for soil protection, tree conservation and selective afforestation.

A cordial thank-you for your donation!

The bioRe® Foundation is a charitable organisation exempt from tax. For every donation, you can get a receipt for your tax return.

Please state the purpose of your donation when making a direct transfer to the Foundation’s account.
(donation where it is most needed; earmarked donation specifying a project)
Zürcher Kantonalbank, 8001 Zürich
To be credited to bioRe® Stiftung, Lettenstrasse 9, 6343 Rotkreuz, Switzerland

IBAN: CH72 0070 0114 8074 5220 5

IBAN: CH93 0070 0130 0094 8165 6

IBAN: CH18 0070 0130 0094 8164 8

The bioRe® Foundation is exempt from both cantonal and municipal taxes and direct federal tax.
Tax exemption as a PDF