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Superheroines: Women are the change agents of organic farming

«Indian female farmers establish themselves as the new superheroes in the fight against climate change» – this is the title of the inspiring article by Roli Srivastava, climate correspondent in India. The journalist reports on how Indian women are advancing biodynamic farming. «Instead of marching in climate rallies», women form self-help groups and drive changes in organic farming from the grassroots.

«The people in the village know that all our products are organically grown. They willingly pay more for my vegetables. The best price I get is for our chili. My husband takes it to the market.
My whole family is proud.»

Gomati from the bioRe® village Bhamori, Kasrawad, India

In the women’s groups of the bioRe® Association India, ideas, strategies, and challenges encountered in trading organic products are shared. In addition to cotton, the women cultivate vegetables, fruits, medicinal plants, and grains; they aim to explore new markets together.

Therefore, the bioRe® Foundation has initiated a support program for women that promotes entrepreneurship, enabling these women to fully realize their potential. This not only creates new income opportunities for farming families but also strengthens the community.

We are proud to have been working with the bioRe® superheroes since 1991.

 The images are from our workshop in Kasrawad, India, November 2023.

With a donation of 50 USD, you can provide agricultural training for three women for a year. By doing so, you empower women in their role and support our work.